A New Year, A New You?

The New Year. The time of year when we love to make promises to ourselves. Here are some suggestions from an Alexander Technique perspective.

Always start from where you are. You can't start from anywhere else!

Put yourself first. You can be most useful to other people when you are at your best.

Stop and think before you do anything. You don't have to rush into anything. Consider the best way to do it and go from there.

Accept that the way you see things aren't necessarily how they really are. Or how someone else sees it.

Your habits dictate what you do. If you want things to be different, you have to stop old habits that don't serve you and adopt new ones.

Change can happen overnight, but you have to want change and be willing to put in the time and effort.

No one else can change you. Only you can change your reactions to what happens in the world and in your life.

You can't change other people unless they want to be changed. But you can change the way you respond to them and how you interact with them.

And now, the plug: Taking lessons in the Alexander Technique gives you time and space to examine your habits, the way you are now. A teacher gives you support and explores with you which habits are causing you harm and how to adopt better ones.

If you're tired of making resolutions and not sticking to them, why not give Alexander Technique lessons a go? There are teachers all over the world, and I, for one, would be delighted to work with you to help you achieve your full potential.